It is nowhere near St Paddy’s Day, but this design was made because of a Saint Patrick’s day shirt I saw. Seems some people wear them all the time. Or maybe they just didn’t have any clean shirts. Who knows?
Anyways, I saw a Lucky Shamrock shirt and this was the result.
It says “Ever Get Lucky With A Vixen?”
or… to be precise it says “Ever Get Lucky?”, and then on the next line it says “With A Vixen?” Bit of separation play. The design is meant to look a bit distressed, and it is of a stylized four-leaf clover with a little vixen fox sitting on it.

Though it was a four-leaf clover St Paddy’s Day shirt that inspired this one, I was thinking a bit more about the whole luck of the Irish or Irish Vixen-type thing when I made it. Definitely is good to wear on more than just the week of St Patrick’s Day while drinking green beer if you’ve got a bit of Irish in you. If not… a four-leaf clover is a sign of luck for all, and if you’re lucky enough to attract the attention of a vixen you are lucky enough to find a four-leaf clover.
The primary purpose of the shirt design was to be something flirty to wear if you are a vixen that is flirty enough and telling enough to send the message to people that are in the know about Vixen Hotwives, but at the same time safe for everyday wear no matter where you are. You could wear this to the park or out to the pub. It is all good.
If you are a bisexual vixen or are married to a vixen I’m guessing you’ve gotten lucky with a vixen a few times. If you are not one of those swinging wild folk, then maybe not. If you are lucky enough to be invited to play with a vixen just remember to have fun, be cool, be respectful, and keep communication relaxed and real. That is how to get a callback, and in some cases possibly a recommendation to other vixen wives or a swingers lifestyle wife that likes singles, but has a hard time finding them. Finding good play partners is hard for some. Tons of singles are seeking, but they often behave in ways that turn off lifestyle people. You must be respectful. Then if anybody ever asks you if you have ever gotten lucky with a vixen you can say “Oh yeah, and I got a callback too.”
That was a horrible attempt at humor btw.
So, you can get this T-shirt HERE via our Vixen Games Spreadshop
or HERE – via our Vixen Love Zazzle if you prefer.
Get it for St Paddy’s, or get it if you’re Irish, or get it if you just love four-leaf clovers and are a bit of a flirty Vixen wife! Green beer is sold separately and is not included. (more bad humor)