I just wanted to type out “hotwife stocking stuffers” because it was fun to say and seemed like an innuendo. Definitely need to think of a shirt design or two to go with that one. Extra Hotwife Stocking Stuffers = The odds and ends to put in her stocking to make the event fun and joyful. Not primary gifts or even secondary ones. It is often the packs of gum and the coffee shop gift certificates. Hotwives, Stags, and other nonmonogamous people usually get a few extras. They deserve them obviously because they are special, but mainly because the extra in life creates extras in opportunities for fun and funny gifts.
I was just putting some designs up on a site, and when I got to the buttons thought “Ah, perfect for Extra Hotwife Stocking Stuffers!” Well, it was more like “Oh, these would be great stocking stuffers,” but I was thinking about Vixens, Stags, all sorts of hotwives, swingers, etc.

They are small, fun, and low-cost. They take forethought because you have to plan ahead and pick out the ones that fit. It doesn’t matter if they are spot on, or if ever the person wears them. It is just that perfect type of extra to find in a Christmas stocking to make a person smile, appreciate the awesomeness of finding them, and maybe make them laugh if you pick humorous ones.
So if you were needing some extra hotwife stocking stuffers for Christmas, or Stag stocking stuffers, or whoever and the recipient is monogamish instead of monogamous and you are partners… (trying to be PC there) maybe a few fun Vixen Game-designed button pins are the ticket.
You can get them HERE- Pins & Buttons By Vixen Games.
They will go over much better than a last-second pack of gum or salted nuts found at the bottom of a Christmas stocking.
You can find a guide to all our stuff HERE – Where To Get Our Vixen Hotwife Shirts. Each shop is briefly explained. Gift-type products in some places, just shirts others, that sort of thing.