A Generic definition of what a Vixen Hotwife is

A regular topic that comes up when people are starting to explore hotwifing and other forms of monogamish lifestyle dynamics is what a Vixen Hotwife is.Basically, my goal here is to share a very basic description of a Vixen. Give you a generic definition of what a Vixen Hotwife is to play around with in … Read more

Vixen Hotwife Swinger Swingset

After my little post on the Swingers Lifestyle a couple of days ago, I got some feedback on social media regarding the more profound topic: are hotwives swingers, and are swinging wives hotwives? The jury is out for some, but for others, it is a big yes. That inspired me to do a more simple … Read more


Monogamish is a funny-sounding word, and for many people a funny thing to be, or think of being. Funny as in strange, not as in haha. Many people look at the world and try to paint it as black or white. They live in an either-or-type universe. That makes it so they can understand being … Read more

Cream-Filled Donut Innuendo

Everyone should love a good innuendo. They should especially love a cream-filled donut innuendo. If you happen to be someone in a Vixen and Stag relationship I think enjoying a cream-filled donut innuendo is almost a requirement. Enjoying it and wanting it as a T-shirt are two different things though. This particular design, which features … Read more