Continuing with our reports, here we have the most popular Stag and Vixen together shirts of 2024.
If you’ve been following along you were probably expecting this. If not, you may want to check out our report on Vixen Wife Shirts and Stag Husband Shirts to see what the favorites were in those categories were for the last year.
So, here we go with our list of the most popular Stag and Vixen together shirts from the Vixen Games Designs Store for 2024.
In the number one spot – Our Always Together Stag and Vixen Mandala Unisex Soft Tee.
This is a newer one, but it has been especially loved. From shirt types and sizes it has been mostly a shirt for the Stag, but it has also been popular in women’s sizes. Many even ordered it for both, but nobody has sent us any Bobbsey Twins type photos of them wearing it.

You can get the Always Together Stag and Vixen Mandala Unisex Soft Tee HERE.
Coming in for the number two spot on the most popular Stag and Vixen together shirts list is the Together Vixen and Stag Basic Heavyweight T-shirt. Togetherness is obviously a theme for Stags and Vixens.
This particular design has been one of our most popular stag and vixen designs since we started.
Stag and Vixen couples are a team I always say, so it’s cool these are so loved.

You can get our Together Vixen and Stag Basic Heavyweight T-shirt HERE.
Coming in for the bronze medal is our Vixen and Stag with upside-down pineapples shirt.
The upside down pineapple thing is pretty well known at this point. Maybe this one is extra popular just because the pineapple make it a tad more obvious. My guess though is that it’s because many Stags and Vixens are also swingers. That is not the case with all types of hotwives. Nor is it the case with all Vixens and Stags, but many do partake in the upside-down pineapple lifestyle.
It’s a cool and unique design. It has been primarily men buying it for themselves.
The color shown has been the most common picked with dark chocolate being close behind for a color choice.

You can get the Vixen and Stag with upsidedown pineapples Tee HERE.
Those were the most popular Stag and Vixen together shirts from our store for 2024.
On the other lists I have given some honorable mentions, but can’t here because the Stag with Vixen theme is basically our most popular theme.
Because of that we have many really popular ones.
When looking at the stats it was basically the shirts you see in the number one and two spots really high up on the list, and then multiple right around the same level of popularity as the one we have here listed in the number three spot.
We should have one more list report coming soon, and then back to our usual programing.
We thank you all for your wonderful support. We couldn’t do it without you.