This is our very first submission of someone else’s Vixen Game. It came to me via our Vixen Games designs Instagram, and then through a bunch of back and forth emails.
She didn’t have a name for her fun game, but I’m calling it Sneaking Quickies.
Calling it that is a bit of a stretch, but since it can be the sneaking of full on sex sneaking quickies works.
She said that their rules of general hotwifing were a simplified version of ours. She was referring to our post where we listed out our initial starting rules. The post was about setting up rules. You can see it here – Hotwifing Rules.
In her case the relevant rules which she mentioned as similar were 1) Always Together and always same room. 2) Always approved scenarios and people. 3) We both have Veto Power over events and people. 4) Condoms are required unless otherwise stated.
Then they have a couple that are extremely similar, but slightly different. 1) No repeat people unless pre-approved and agreed on after a first play session. (ours is simply no repeats) 2) He always gets “reclaim sex” immediately. (ours is I get to reclaim her within 1 hour of the end of any hotwifing or swinging-related event)
Lastly they have a very strict no people from their regular vanilla life rule.
For this particular Vixen and Stag couple every single rule except the first one which is always together and always the same room is suspended for this one single game they play.
The reason the rules are suspended is because it is for her (I will quote here) “By far my favorite thing to do.”
For this game they have two extra rules though. 1) She must tell her husband about anything she does with explicit detail at the end of the day/night. 2) He is able to invoke rule two which is always approved people and scenarios for future occasions after the fact. Basically if he doesn’t like the idea she did something or did something with a particular person he can say nope to ever doing it again, or doing it with that particular person.
Now for the Vixen Game itself – Sneaking Quickies.
Their game is simple, they must be in the same location and together. It is same venue rather than room though, so basically same building, and she can’t sequester herself off behind locked doors.
The entire point of the game is her having fun trying to get away with naughty fun right under her husbands nose without him being aware.
She may do anything she likes without rules except as stated above as long as it’s where he can easily catch her.
In practice this is usually just heavy flirting, a stolen kiss, and some light touching.
Since even their very strict no people from their regular vanilla life rule is suspended she usually keeps it at that level when in a vanilla setting.
The straying into vanilla land has not caused them any real troubles she claimed. A couple guys ended up telling on her to her husband and he claimed she just gets that way when drinking and probably had a few more than she needed.
She has also given quicky blow jobs (not to finish) to a couple of his friends, and they never told him.
They assume she was cheating and one now is after her constantly.
They both (The Stag and Vixen who play this game) find that amusing.
They find it especially so because one is married, so he was cheating, and is hoping for more.
She says the wildest her game usually gets is a heavy make out session and some fingering which she claims gets her “Hot as fuck.”
As her husband loves her to be horny and naughty as can be the game which she loves so much is one he loves as well.
He gets cool sexy stories, he gets her when she’s extra horny, and they get fun things to talk about.
This vixen’s sneaky quickies are not usually full on sex, but in a weird way I see full on sex as the end game goal in each instance. She says it isn’t, but as it has no limits and she has had intercourse a few times while doing it my feeling is that’s the end game if time slips by without her naughtiness being noticed. The game is in my way of thinking Sneaking Quickies in the literal sense, but she has just rarely gotten to that finish line.
Fingering, short blow jobs, and stolen kisses are all naughty however within the game.
Her few full on intercourse situations total five. In all instances she went without a condom, and in all except one pulling out was the case. Her husband didn’t appreciate that one, but was ok with it. They almost always play with condoms and if not she requests body shots instead of internal.
This Vixen Game has lead to one of her just two creampie situations as a Vixen Hotwife.
She has also finished a few guys off with her quick sneaky blow jobs, but doesn’t count that as actual sex in any way. I’m unsure about that myself.
So there you go… our very first submission of someone else’s Vixen Game which I am calling “Sneaking Quickies.”
Will we add this to our list of games to play? I doubt it. My Vixen when she reads this (I haven’t spoken of it to her yet) will most likely think it’s a wonderful idea.
It seems exactly the type of game she’s enjoy.
I on the other hand don’t see it as much fun on my side, so… would give it a nope.
She’ll read that nope and possibly try to persuade me as she likes getting her way, but nope. Sorry darling. *Kiss*

The Vixen Hotwife who submitted this play scenario did so originally asking about if we had any women’s shirts that were somehow connected that I could recommend. We have hundreds of shirt designs for Vixens and Stags, but not exactly that.
We will have a couple soon though. I already did a quick pencil sketch of a fun idea and I’m trying to think of a couple more.
Sneaking Quickies was brought to you by someone telling us of their own kinky Vixen game.
Our very first play scenario submission was awesome.
If you have a fun and unique Vixen Game that you play we’d love to hear from you.
That’s what we are about after all… Well, that and T-shirts.