No articles or opinions today folks, just a great My Vixen Hotwife and Stag T-Shirt Roundup of the shirt designs I have posted during the month of September 2023 with links to the articles that accompany them. You’ll find larger images of the designs in the original posts, and links to get them as T-shirts. Until you click, the articles you will find are a mystery, but the shirt designs that accompany the article may give a hint. May, not will. Enjoy.

Enjoy Hotwives – simple T-shirt design for Hotwives and those who enjoy Hotwives. I fall into this category obviously.

Vixen with Roses Bold Design – Bold and graphic Vixen fox with roses and the top rose turns into a flame with the word HOT subtly included. Vixen is big and bold at the bottom of this T-shirt design.

Peach and Eggplants – Fun and easy-to-get innuendo based on the peach and eggplant emojis used in texting and messages. Two eggplants for this lucky peach.

Vixen Hotwife – A sweet little flame with a vixen in it and the word Vixen large in heated colors with a very small text reading Hotwife below for this T-shirt design.

Vixen Wife with BBC – A classy Vixen wife with a big black cock makes for the main theme of this T-shirt. Says Vixen Games at the bottom because in Stag and Vixen relationships we play Vixen Games.

Vixen Hotwife Swinger Swingset – A Vixen Hotwife Swinger Swingset design with three seats that have letters on the seats. M F M, and The text that circles the swing is the three words Vixen, Hotwife, and Swinger.

Swingers Lifestyle – Swinger shirt with a happy swinger swinging from a couple of upside-down pineapples for this T-shirt design.

My wife is my porn star – A simple and fun T-shirt designed for men who’s wives are their personal porn stars.

MONOGAMISH – I really like this T-shirt design. It says MONOGAMISH in a way that is hard for most people to catch at first, but very obvious once they do. Not all out T-shirt designs are Vixen Hotwife specific. This is a good example of that. No matter gender or relationship status besides being a total vanilla or celibit, this shirt is for you. Polyamorous, Swinger, Vixen or Stag, it fits.

Cream-Filled Donut Innuendo – Yes, I ate the whole donut. This one says “Sometimes a girl just wants a filled donut. I hope nobody thinks this shirt was designed for anybody besides women who just love donuts as tasty treats.

Certified Hotwife Shirt – are you a certified hotwife or married to a certified hotwife? If so, I’d suggest this T-shirt for you.

The Best Show On Earth – For a certain type of person the best show on earth is hands down the show a Vixen puts on for her Stag. In this case, I went with a Big Black Bull for the Vixen. The thorns surrounding them are made of Stag antlers. I was being tricky there. The font says The Best Show On Earth. This T-shirt is fitting for any of the three types of people involved in such sport. The Stag can wear it because he is the viewer and appreciator of the show. The Vixen can wear it because she is the star and nucleus of the entire situation. A man who regularly plays the part of a bull in such scenarios can play it as he is the one who makes such entertainment possible.

Hotwife University T-shirt – This is a great T-shirt design for anybody into the hotwife lifestyle. Are you signing up? Are you a newbie freshman? Working on your graduate degrees? Graduated from Hotwife University years ago and now the Vixen Queen that sets the bar?

Vixen Games Three Cocks Fox – What a fab shirt. A Vixen atop three cocks ranging in color from white, tan, to dark brown. Three lucky cock for one lucky fox.

My Husband Will Drive – A T-shirt designed for those who love this particular Vixen Game.

Vanilla Vixen Hotwife – Last, but not least we have this Vanilla Vixen Icecream cone T-shirt. It says really small “Give it to me good and simple. That is what vanilla ice cream cones are. Good and simple. Sometimes a hotwife wants it good and simple. Even if she wants more than one serving, she may not be into a ton of extra toppings. This was my personal favorite design of the month.
That was it. My Vixen Hotwife and Stag T-Shirt Roundup for the Month of September 2023.
You can check out the last Vixen Hotwife and Stag T-Shirt Roundup HERE – Vixen Hotwife and Stag Shirt Roundup for August 2023.
You can find all our designs and places to get our T-shirts and other things by going HERE – Where To Get Our Vixen Hotwife & Stag Shirts.